Is 180 Days enough?

by Quatro Legal Immigration Team | June. 09, 2024 | Article, Immigration

Just about everyone knows that Costa Rica has extended its Visa when entering the country to a maximum of 180 Days. They have also extended the driving privileges to match this Visa. This has left some ExPats to question if Residency is as important as it once was under the 90 Day Visa.

The answer to this question is going to be determined by the ExPat’s ideology and priorities. If you come to Costa Rica to live long term and do not own Real Estate, your only payment into the Costa Rican system is through your support of local businesses through the country. Obviously, this support comes with the payment of sales tax on certain items, but depending on your consumption this may be very little in the scheme of things. Residency not only supports the local economies in a more significant way but helps pay into the medical system of CAJA.

This payment into the CAJA is what causes the most worry to ExPats who want residency, but also fear the payment of the CAJA and cost. For most ExPats, particularly Pensionado and Investors, this is not a high payment. It will be more as a Rentista, but with the recent changes to that category, not many will meet those requirements. Currently, for those approved after approximately March 2022 there is an IVM cost in addition that doubles this amount. This cost is very minimal compared to private healthcare insurance.

What many ExPats do not realize is that they do receive many other perks as a Resident. For many the most valuable is the short line upon arrival at the airport. If you have waited hours in the immigration line, it is so nice to breeze through the line for locals.

There is also a touch of anonymity in that you will receive a DIMEX number. If you have assets in the country this number will be required to be listed in the registry and not your passport.

You will have a legal right to enter Costa Rica upon arrival. As many of us are from other countries, we may not really understand the value here as we can come and go from our home countries with ease. During the Pandemic this was not the case. If you had residency in Costa Rica, you were welcomed with open arms. Hopefully, this scenario will not be repeated, but there are other things that could happen in the world that would make this invaluable to you.

Then there are the many discounts available to you. If you are sixty-five and over plus a resident, you can apply for a card for discounts to allow you to be in the front of the line in public offices. Plus, you can ride the bus free (15.5 miles and under) or with a substantial discount on longer distances. There are many other discounts at restaurants, hotels, and other commercial businesses across the country.

Moreover, you will be living full or part time in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, be on a path to Permanent Residency (where you can then legally work) and (if important to you) actual Citizenship with a Costa Rica Passport and dual citizenship. Reach out to Quatro Legal today so we can answer any other questions that you may have about Residency in Costa Rica.

Debbie Davis
Expats Sales Manager

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the content, laws and regulations are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please contact our office directly. Some images may be AI generated.

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