Do You Want To Get Your Business Certified As ‘Pet Friendly’? Here Is How

by Carlos | Dec. 22, 2023 | Article, Corporate

Animals have become part of the family, and more and more people are deciding to have a pet. There are even those who choose to have pets instead of children. Thousands of people take their animals everywhere: for outings, meals, trips, or vacations.

This change has forced different businesses to adapt to the new needs of their customers. Now the spaces must adapt to the latest additions to the family, providing them with comfortable and safe rooms.


What does pet friendly mean?

According to The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica (INTECO), “Pet Friendly” means that pets are welcome in an establishment, allowing people with their pets to enter and stay in the facilities, offering them good treatment, and designating a place and services for them.


What is the pet-friendly certification?

It is a certification that guarantees businesses comply with the necessary conditions to admit pets in their facilities, contemplating both legal and administrative aspects, quality of services, safety, and welfare of animals and customers. As an added value to the business line, the certificate contributes to regulating the inclusion of pets in society.


Who is eligible for this certification?

 Educational centers, public institutions, hotels, restaurants, transportation, residential and condominiums, banking and commerce, health centers, offices, public and private events, theme parks, and clubs can qualify.


Why is this certification important for businesses?

 The pet market is in total accelerated growth, both nationally and internationally.  In Costa Rica, UNIMER conducted a study in which 70% of the people who participated 70% of the people who participated revealed that they have animals in their homes.

Therefore, obtaining certification will allow your business to distinguish itself in the market and gain more customers.


What parameters are assessed in the certification process?

The program comprises different areas that are duly evaluated.

Within the legal area, the following is evaluated i) legal compliance: operating permits are up to date, and the company complies with environmental and animal welfare legislation; ii) and ii) the human resources area: complies with current legislation on legal and employee safety matters.

In the administrative part, the following will be considered:
i) quality;
ii) communication and efficiency;
iii) services;
iv) social action.


What is the process to obtain the certification?

The process is composed of four phases:
i) a preliminary verification;
ii) a technical verification;
iii) corrective actions;
iv) issuance of the certificate;
v) a technical verification, and
vi) the issuance of the certificate.


What are the benefits?

There are different benefits for those who acquire this certification. For example, increased production and value-added sales, training, and loyalty of pet-lovers, inclusive policies, and reinforcement of corporate image increased customer and employee satisfaction, innovation, and business differentiation.

For more information please email me at Will be glad to assist you!.

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