Top 3 Non-Legal Services You Need When Buying Property in Costa Rica

by Quatro Legal Real Estate Team | May. 08, 2024 | Video, Real Estate

In this article, as part of our ongoing Quatro Legal Real Estate series, we’ll be talking about the three most important non legal services to consider when buying a property in Costa Rica. Let’s dive in.


3 Non-Legal Services You Need for Real Estate in Costa Rica

One of the most common mistakes foreigners make when acquiring a property in Costa Rica is not doing a correct due diligence on a property.

The purpose of due diligence is to legally and technically confirm that the property is in good standing. Therefore, the three most important non-legal services to consider during the due diligence are, first of all:


1. Conducting a Surveyor’s Report

A surveyor’s report is a document prepared by a topographer who conducts a study or survey of a specific piece of land.

A comprehensive surveyor report includes a detailed description of the properties, physical characteristics, boundaries, fences, terrain, location, property lines, any easements, encroachments, and other pertinent aspects of the surveyed area. A thorough report will confirm whether the property lies within a protected area or near or within a maritime zone, necessitating special consideration of zoning rules and regulations for building and development.

When conducting a survey report, the topographer compares the information from the survey map officially recorded at the public registry with data gathered during an on site inspection. This process verifies whether the property’s characteristics match the recorded details. Based on the survey findings, the surveyor will offer conclusions, identify issues, that require attention and provide recommendations for the property.


2. Inspection Report

The second one is the inspection report, which is a document summarizing the results of a comprehensive examination of a house, apartment, or building. This evaluation is usually conducted and compiled by a qualified engineer or architect who assesses the condition, safety and functionality of the construction in accordance with the Costa Rican building code.

Such reports are frequently utilized in real estate transactions and home purchases to determine the condition and safety of a property and will encompass observations, assessments, and recommendations based on the findings of the existing construction. It is important to note that an inspection report might not cover the assessment of structural deficiencies, electrical systems, plumbing, roofing, which may necessitate special equipment, and additional time.

Should you need a particular element examined, it is essential to ask if it is part of the standard inspection process or if it incurs additional costs. For assistance in these matters, consulting a Costa Rican real estate lawyer (like Quatro Legal) can be very beneficial.


3. Architectural and Construction Support

The third one is having architectural and construction support.

Architectural and construction support involves the assistance and collaboration of a professional during the purchase of a house under construction or remodeling or when buying a lot for construction purposes. This means the architect or engineer will assess whether the properties zoning and building regulations aligned with your intended project.

Once construction begins, they will conduct regular inspections to ensure that the actual work corresponds with the blueprints and that the quality standards and milestones are being met. Clients who avoid the cost of engaging a professional to oversee their construction projects progress may later face warranty or civil claim issues or problems with budget execution.

They might only realize after moving in that there are defects affecting the house’s functionality or that the project did not adhere to the plan schedule.

Looking for legal counsel you can trust to make your purchasing property in Costa Rica easier and more rewarding? Get in touch today.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the content, laws and regulations are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please contact our office directly. Some images may be AI generated.

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