Is My Corporate Address In Costa Rica Important

by Quatro Legal Corporate Team | Feb. 28, 2024 | Article, Corporate

Location… Location… Location… known phrase in Real Estate practices (law practice that we have in Quatro Legal, contact them if you have any Real Estate inquiries, they are the best in the field). Today we are going to use this phrase to answer the question: Is my corporate address in Costa Rica important?

Short answer: yes, it is important! But, let´s see why.

Often, expats (and even Costa Ricans) are not fully aware on the importance of having an accurate and current address for their incorporated company in Costa Rica. The corporate address is provided in the initial bylaws of the company and can be changed at any time over time. For registration purposes, it is crucial for it to be accurate because the National Registry will request it in a manner that includes specific details to identify where it is located exactly. If you are an expat or an investor, you probably know by now we don’t really have addresses like you are used to. We have directions. So, imagine you are giving the description of how to get to your home to some friends that you are inviting for a gathering. In Costa Rica terms, it will something like this: “from the mango tree next to the church, hundred meters north, black gate, two story home”. For your company, the location provided to the National registry will be the physical “home”.

Even though as I said above, corporate address can be changed at any time, it can only be modified by a public deed in a notarial instance. This means it is not possible to just go to the National Registry and say: “I want that my company address is now at my lawyer´s office” since a process must be followed, and fees and expenses for the notarial services must be paid to get the address changed.

Another focus of attention is the awareness that having a current and accurate company address will reduce any unwanted contingencies. Coming back to what was said before, the current and accurate location has a purpose outside of registration, it will be of used to serve or deliver any notices that may need to be addressed with deadline.

What can these notices be about? For all companies, and especially those that own businesses or a property, the requirement of having a current and accurate address serves the practical purpose of ensuring receipt of notices or communication issued by administrative or legal instances or entities (court notices, arbitration notices, resolutions, tax memorandums, claims, municipal requirements, among other as such).

Some of them may have a response deadline, and not having an accurate company address may result in the deadline missed, and the effects of the notice to take place. According to the Judicial Notifications Act, any notification, communication, or notice served at the corporate domicile or address, will be considered duly served and the procedure it is related to will move forward. This means that, for example, if your company is served with a tax notice and a response on a specific tax is required, a 10-day response deadline is given. By having an accurate company address or domicile you ensure the notice is transmitted to the people that can take responsibility for responding appropriately to it.

So yes, as we have examined, the address of the company is very important, and it is crucial to have a current and exact one to prevent contingencies.

If you have any queries regarding this topic or want to specify more or change your current address, don’t hesitate to contact me at I will be glad to assist you!

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