How To Build A House In Costa Rica- Construction Permit – CFIA – Municipality

by Quatro Legal Real Estate Team | June. 20, 2024 | Article, Real Estate

Building a house in Costa Rica is a dream for many expatriates or investors, but the process can seem complex due to the procedures and regulations involved in the construction process. Two key entities in this process are the Federated College of Engineers and Architects (CFIA) and the local municipalities, which play fundamental roles in obtaining permits to carry out a construction project for a house or real estate development.
The CFIA, as the regulatory body for the activities of engineers and architects, ensures the quality and safety of constructions in Costa Rica. Its involvement includes the review and approval of construction and engineering surveys, ensuring they comply with the technical and safety standards established by law.
Likewise, the municipalities, represented by their urban planning and construction departments, are responsible for granting the construction permit, which is a fundamental requirement before starting any project. This is obtained by submitting the surveys, complementary documents, and paying the corresponding fees.
For all property buyers, expatriates, and investors, understanding the roles of the CFIA and municipalities in the permit acquisition process for building their house or project is essential to ensure they do not encounter the problems that many others have faced when making their investments.
A. Construction Blueprints and Approval Process with CFIA and the Municipality:
For an owner or investor to have their construction blueprints approved, they must do the following:
Hiring Professionals: Accredited professionals by the CFIA must be hired to develop the blueprints. For an owner to have approved blueprints, the hired professional must be registered with the CFIA, which authorizes them to be responsible for the design, and/or construction of the house. To check if a professional is properly registered, you can search on the website:
Consulting Contract: The design stage involves a series of basic services that the professional must perform, for which a professional fee based on a percentage of the estimated value of the work is recognized. This must be recorded in a consulting contract according to the form established by the CFIA, which includes a description of the services to be provided. CFIA regulations define the minimum value that professionals must charge for the intellectual part of their work; however, higher values can be agreed upon with the client according to the complexity of the work.
Blueprints Registration: Once the surveys are completed according to the owner’s or developer’s specifications and preferences, the professional in charge of the project will register them through the CFIA’s online system called Construction Project Manager “Administrador de Proyectos de Construcción” (APC), available at Since March 2013, all construction blueprints processing in public institutions and the CFIA is done exclusively online through the APC.
Review Process with CFIA: Once the blueprints are submitted, a review process begins to ensure they meet all the corresponding requirements:
The responsible professional must provide the blueprints and requirements of the institutions related to the project through where they fill out the consulting contract. Access to the platform can only be done through digital signature or access key.
CFIA receives the project after payment of the administration service. If it meets all the requirements, it moves on to the appraisal process; otherwise, it is returned to the professional with a list of reasons for non-compliance, to be rectified.
CFIA calculates the appraisal amounts of the project, along with the work risk policy of the National Insurance Institute (INS).
CFIA must be paid 0.265% of the estimated value of the work.
The client can check the status of their project online at the link: or make inquiries in the chat on the page:
Municipal Approval Process: The corresponding municipality is responsible for issuing the construction permit to start the work. In this process, the blueprints stamped by the CFIA and the corresponding institutions must be submitted, along with the work risk policy issued by the INS and additional requirements established by each municipality. All municipalities have an agreement with the CFIA to use the digital APC platform and process the construction permit digitally, requesting only the necessary documents to improve municipal management efficiency.
Steps to Request the Municipal Construction Permit Online:
The professional in charge of the work must include, when processing through APC, the documents required by the corresponding municipality.
The municipality conducts a technical review of the project through the APC system. If it complies properly, the total amount to be paid for the construction tax is communicated to the professional, which corresponds to 1% of the estimated value of the work.
The owner must pay the construction tax amount and the INS policy.
Once paid, the digital blueprints are sent to the professional, with the stamp of the municipality and the CFIA.
Once the municipal permit is obtained, coordination between the owner, professional, and foreman must be done to start the construction stage.
Understanding the process and key entities involved in building a house in Costa Rica is essential to ensure the success and legality of any project. The Federated College of Engineers and Architects (CFIA) and local municipalities play essential roles in this context. CFIA ensures that construction blueprints comply with established technical and safety standards, while municipalities are responsible for granting the necessary permits to start the works.
Understanding the specific stages of blueprint approval, from hiring accredited professionals to submitting and reviewing documents through digital platforms like the Construction Project Manager “Administrador de Proyectos de Construcción”,(APC), is crucial. This knowledge not only facilitates compliance with regulations and legal requirements but also optimizes the time and resources needed to carry out the project. Familiarizing oneself with the process and the entities involved is vital for anyone wishing to build in Costa Rica. This ensures that the project progresses in an orderly, efficient manner, and in compliance with current regulations, thereby contributing to the success and safety of the construction.
For more information on permit approval processes with CFIA and the Municipality, contact Gonzalo Rojas at

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